Project Details

Map Of The Greater Otara Area

Where is the Project happening?

The project is focussed on Otara, but people and groups in the neighbouring suburbs (Botany, East Tamaki, Flat Bush, Clover Park, Wiri, Papatoetoe, and Otahuhu) are welcome to be involved as well

How is it happening?

Our Approach – Structural Analysis (SA)

The Structural Analysis (SA) package of models and tools, based on the work of Paulo Freire, was introduced to Aotearoa NZ in the 1980s by INODEP.  Over the years, we have compared it to other approaches, but it still seems to be the most useful one (criteria for comparison including congruence with Te Tiriti, engaging with issues of power and social justice, and efficacy).

Its central concept is the Wave (which represents something that is a problem, especially for those in the boat).  It emphasises that people see things differently because they stand in different places and prioritises those in the boat having control of the decisions about the wave/issue.  It does not expect people with different views to reconcile those differences!

Wave model

What’s When?

Because this is a pilot project we need to make adjustments in relation to what we are learning as we go along.

The project officially started in October 2022 and will finish in September 2023.

For ACC, a critical outcome is their learning, from all five pilot projects, in areas which are relatively new for their mahi; in particular they want to increase their understanding about development of a strengths-based, primary prevention foundation for long term social and behavioural change, as well as about what infrastructure is needed to enable scalable solutions, to inform their future investment strategies.

Key tasks and indicative dates:

  • April is child and sexual abuse awareness month!

Who’s Involved?

The most important people involved in the project are residents in the greater Otara area who have been affected by CSA at some time in their lives and want to use their expertise from that experience to inform strategy development in the Let’s Talk Prevention! hui.

The project’s success also depends on Otara people who contribute to organising hui and/or give feedback on the strategies and/or then commit themselves to implementing strategies.

Te Tai-awa, the host for the project, is a kaupapa Maori social services agency that has been located in Otara since its establishment in 1994.  

Funding and other support is being provided by the Strategic Investments team in the Injury Prevention unit of the Accident Compensation Corporation.